An important characteristic for any community to be welcoming is to have people with positive attitudes towards immigrants of all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds. This can be seen in local organizations, services, events, businesses, and even just the welcoming attitudes of your neighbours. Pathways 2 Prosperity's Welcoming Communities Toolkit has noted some key indicators of this as:
•Evidence of positive attitudes toward immigration and toward racial, cultural, and religious diversity in the community
• Evidence of positive attitudes toward immigrants of all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds, and their intersections, in the community
• Rate of hate crimes targeting immigrants across all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds in the community
• Rate of discrimination toward immigrants across all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds in the community
• Evidence of social cohesion among immigrants and non-immigrants of all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds
• Evidence of sense of inclusion within the community among immigrants of all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds
• Evidence of mainstream organizations and institutions making reasonable efforts to be inclusive and accommodating of immigrants from all racial, cultural, and religious
• Evidence of support by community leaders across a variety of sectors (e.g., business, civic, social) for the concerns and interests of immigrants from all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds
• Level of satisfaction with:
o the degree of respect and value community members give to immigrants from all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds in the community
o mainstream organizations’ and institutions’ efforts to be inclusive and accommodating of immigrants from all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds
o the support by community leaders across a variety of sectors (e.g., business, civic, social) for the concerns and interests of immigrants from all racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds