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Meet Dasha: Canadian Aid for Chernobyl


1.      How do you like Canada?

I like Canada. It’s different, but it’s been fun.

2.      How is Canada different from Belarus?

In Belarus there is not as much, and people live differently. People here in Canada have more and there is less poverty. But there are some things that Belarus does better, like Maternity Leave, which is much longer at home.

3.      How have the people here been?

I like the people here. They’ve all been nice to me. I haven’t met too many people outside of the family though, and I was with Baba Jann for most of it.

4.      Would you come back to Canada?

Yes, I enjoyed my summer here.

5.      Would you recommend Brockville to people from Belarus?

I think yes. It is quite different, but it’s nice.

6.      What do you like best during your time here?

Visiting Canada’s Wonderland was my favourite. I liked the rides, but especially the water slides. I would go on them again and do that again if I could.

7.      What did you like least during your time here?

Swim lessons. I didn’t like doing them, but I had to. I still don’t like swimming.

8.      How was your travel to Canada? Was it your first time travelling?

I didn’t like sitting in the airport in turkey for over 20 hours. It was my first time travelling outside of Belarus, so that was fun. But not being stuck in the airport for almost a whole day. I’m not looking forward to doing that on the way back.

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